Joints to choose for roasting
Loin lamb Shoulder lamb (you can buy half-shoulder) Leg lamb or (you can buy halfleg) Saddle (double loin)
To prepare for roasting
Wash or wipe and dry, season lightly, add very little fat over lean part of meat
- Weigh the meat
- Allow 20 minutes cooking time per lb. and 20 minutes over.
- If using covered roasting tin or foil allow extra 20 minutes cooking time or 25° higher temperature or one mark higher on a gas cooker.
- After about 45 minutes the heat can be reduced to moderately hot, 400°F. -Gas Mark 5-6.
TO SERVE: With moderately thick gravy, mint sauce: chop fresh mint finely, mix with vinegar and sugar to taste.
Oven temperature: hot, 425-450°F.-Gas Mark 6-7 Oven position: above centre