As a bon vivant who wants to enjoy the lifestyle of a Parisian, learning how to prepare macarons will be beneficial. The city prides itself on offering macaron cooking class in Paris, and you can click here for more information. The best macarons are obtained when you carefully follow the preparation steps, especially regarding the ingredients.


Excellent results are only achieved when you measure the ingredients with a precision scale. Accuracy is essential; too little or too much of the ingredients may fail. The basic ingredients that are used to prepare this delicious confectionary include sugar, almond powder, and aged egg whites. Macaron classes in Paris will help you know the art of mixing these ingredients and making fillings. Once all the ingredients are ready, you will spend around 2-3 hours in the kitchen cooking the macarons.

The Secret behind the Egg Whites and Almond Powder

Get the best macarons by using aged egg whites, rather than the fresh ones. a good macaron cooking class in Paris will reveal to you the different ways of aging the egg whites: by aging them in your refrigerator or by keeping them at room temperature for around 24-48 hours before you use them. If you are aging them in your fridge, restore them to room temperature before you use them. Even though almond powder can be made by grinding your almonds, such will not help you get the best macarons. Instead, the result of using these ground almonds is that the powder formed will appear to be very oily and coarse. Macarons made out of this powder appear to be flashy, cracked, or broken.

Preparation Secrets

Leave the unbaked macarons to settle for 20-30 minutes before you place them in your oven. This step is important as it will determine how the confectionary will turn out. Next, put the baking tray in another tray before pushing it in the oven; this makes them not to scorch. Use a wooden spoon to leave the oven door somewhat ajar; this helps to prevent the oven temperature from getting too hot. If you are baking too many macarons, be sure to bake one tray after the other; this helps to circulate the oven temperature uniformly. When removing the baked macarons from the oven tray, carefully lift its parchment paper as you spray small amounts of water on the tray. You will learn from a macaron cooking class in Paris that steam from the sprayed water allows the confectioneries to come off effortlessly from the hot tray.

How to Know If your Macarons Are Good

The macaron classes in Pariswill teach you to know whether or not your pastries are good. Delicious macarons ought to be of the same size. They should not have bubbles or cracks. If you have leftovers, store them in a Tupperware box inside your refrigerator to prevent them from having the smell of other foods in the refrigerator.